Wednesday, August 21, 2024

HOTW- Hellcat

From WIki- Patsy Walker is the Hellcat.  After growing up in suburban Centerville, graduating high school and marrying high-school sweetheart Robert "Buzz" Baxter, Patsy Walker becomes an assistant to scientist Hank McCoy, the mutant superhero the Beast, who at that time was on hiatus from the X-Men. Estranged from her husband, now a U.S. Air Force colonel, Walker befriends McCoy,[48][49][50] and, desiring to become a superhero, accompanies McCoy on a quest with the Avengers.[51] She adopts a costume that formerly belonged to Greer Grant Nelson, the former masked adventuress the Cat, and takes on the name Hellcat.[52]  After having used her natural athletic abilities and good instincts to rescue the Avengers, Walker is offered membership in the team.[53] The cosmic adventurer Moondragon persuades Hellcat to decline and instead accompany her to Saturn's moon Titan for training in psychic ability and advanced martial arts.  Me again:

Everyone knows how I feel about Tigra.  However, Patsy was a great fit as Hellcat.  I had hoped she would return to the Avengers, but she went to the B team.  Sorry Defenders, you have some great stories, but with Namor, the Hulk, the Surfer and Doc Strange, really how much more powerful could the team be?  Patsy has been through a lot, but I did enjoy one of her recent series.  It was fun!

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