Sunday, August 18, 2024

Sven- It Came from Beneath the Sea

A giant octopus gets irradiated by atomic bomb tests,  It cannot eat the food on its regular diet so it turns to other food sources, animals and people.  This brings it to the surface of the Pacific Ocean, and it brings down ships, then moves to San Francisco.  For a water-bound creature, it can cause a lot of damage to land and land structures.  Humans must be a tiny, bite-sized snack for an animal of this size, but they also must taste good.  Our heroes figure out how to kill it while it sleeps, the cruel people that they are.  One big explosion later, the menace of the giant octopus is over.  Unless there are more in the deep ocean...

This is my favorite black and white Harryhausen movie.  Even in a 2.5 hour time slot the movie flew by.  Sven didn't really tell me anything I didn't know.  Faith is the star of the movie, I'll tell you what.  Even with the obligatory love story, she doesn't say she will end up with macho he-man Kenneth Tobey.  That is rare for a 50s movie.

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