Sunday, October 2, 2022

Svengoolie Uncrypted (2022)


This documentary aired last night after the regular show.  It was hosted by Sventoonie, sort of, I guess, and it mostly went through how Sven came to be.  The archival footage was really fun to see, along with the original Sven.  Coming from an area that did not have any kind of horror host, I don't have any nostalgia for them.  However, I think I could have a beer with Sven, since he seems to like a lot of the things I do.  The macguffin of the show was Sven was headed to Berwyn (Berwyn).  They had decided to have a Sven Day, and wanted his original hat and rubber chicken.  So he went around Chicago to find his old stuff.  He meets several actors and such along the way.  The celebration is really nice at the end as well.

I don't get this Sventoonie thing.  It isn't very funny, and the public domain movies they show are so chopped up that they make no sense.  I watched the whole first season, mostly so I could get to Batman after it.  I don't begrudge Sven if they are paying him for this nonsense, but I generally change the station.  So replace the puppet and the doc would have been a lot more fun.  They had all those guest stars, I bet Jim Cornette would have loved to narrate the thing.  Provided he didn't have to leave his house.

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