Thursday, January 12, 2023

Puss In Boots: The Last Wish (2022)


The legendary Puss In Boots has now used eight of his nine lives.  Death has come a calling, and Puss runs.  He runs into an crazy lady home, but ends up making a new friend, a dog pretending to be a cat.  And then it gets weirder. Death is still on his tail, but he runs into Kitty Softpaws again, who immediately gives him a boot to the head.  It is well deserved.  After more and more adventures with Goldilocks, and little Jack Horner, Puss gets his wish.  I think.  Maybe everyone does, except Jack.  Puss and pals head off to visit some old friends, but that should do, donkey, that should do.

I am so sick of the camera moving constantly.  It really gets nauseating.  The movie would have been much better without all the colors and splashes of light as well.  Just tone it down.  I did enjoy the film, though.  All the principles were back, though it has been ten years since I saw the last one, so I don't remember too much about it.  It was fun.  I am kind of amazed they are thinking about making another Shrek movie.

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