Sunday, July 23, 2023

Sven- The Uninvited (1944)


A brother and sister by a house in Cornwall.  This happens in 1937.  Turns out the house is haunted by two spirits who will not depart.  Our heroes have to figure out the reason why the ghosts do not want to leave.  There are four of them in the end, and they even have a dog!  There are plenty of mysterious goings on, some romance and even a séance happens.  Eventually things get sorted out properly, the ghosts depart and the house is cleared.  The End.

This is a really interesting movie.  The paranormal is accepted pretty easily, and instead of trying to bust a ghost, they figure out how to help the friendly ghost with that issue.  When finally confronted, the malevolent spectre realizes her power is gone, and also departs.  There are some really nice effects, which today would be completely overblown.

I think I would have enjoyed watching this movie all at once instead of on Sven- no offense, he did a great job with it, but the interruptions didn't help the flow.

Next- Haunted Strangler

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