Sunday, July 16, 2023

Sven- Ghoulies 2


From Wiki- In the second installment, unrelated to the first movie, the Ghoulies hitch a ride with a carnival and end up hiding in an amusement park funhouse called "Satan's Den" which becomes a smash hit when visitors believe the little demons are part of the attraction – that is, until people start falling victim to the evil creatures. The film stars Damon Martin, Dale Wyatt, Royal Dano, Phil Fondacaro and J. Downing.

I watched the opening and the closing of the movie.  I was intrigued to see several shots of the Ghoulies being done with stop-motion.  This didn't surprise me, since Charles Band used the technique quite a bit.  I just couldn't deal with the sequel.  I didn't look bad, per se, but it wasn't my cuppa.  The movie ends pretty much the same way the last one did.

next- The Uninvited

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