Friday, July 21, 2023

Secret Invasion 05- The Harvest


IN WHICH Fury decides to go old school.  He talks to G'iah, who is also a Super Skrull about her survival.  She goes to Priscilla to bury Talos.  Fury heads to Finland with Agent Sonya Falsworth (that last name, hmmm) and retrieves The Harvest from one of his graves.  Meanwhile, Gravik seems to have let power go to his head, and some minions try to kill him.  That does not go well.  Fury says he is going to give Gravik the Harvest.  Fury suits up, complete with his eyepatch, and says he is going to end this.

I love Sonya Falsworth.  I wonder if anyone in her family has been a Lord Falsworth.  The Union Jack could use someone like her.  This episode had a lot of action, but some good character development.  Gravik doesn't seem to have his peoples' interest now, but he pretends really well.  This Harvest should annoy every Marvel hero out there, should they find out.

Possible spoiler- I think if Gravik ingests or whatever with this serum, it is going to cause a power overload.  Think of what the Avengers did to the Super-Adaptoid.  It seems likely Fury knows this will happen, or have at least put some kind of bug in the serum.  We will see in a week!

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