Wednesday, September 20, 2023

HOTW- The Elongated Man


From WIKI- As a teenager, Ralph Dibny was fascinated by contortionists, or people who displayed feats of agility and suppleness. He learned that all of the body-benders he spoke with drank a popular soda called "Gingold". Ralph set to work learning chemistry and developed a super-concentrated extract of the rare "gingo" fruit of the Yucatán, which gave him his elasticity.[10] In his first appearance, the Flash suspects Elongated Man is behind several crimes, but he helps capture the criminals, who reveal they used a helicopter to frame him.

I learned of Ralph Dibny long before I ever heard of Plastic Man. I liked his friend with Barry, Hal and Ollie, and that he was married.  And that he had no secret identity.  I will always prefer him over Plastic Man.  Of course, I think Plas needs to be in another universe, but that is me.  Suffice it to say, I hated Identity Crisis.  It was ugly.

Ralph has made cartoon appearances as well as being introduced in the Arrowverse.

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