Thursday, September 21, 2023

The Lost World screening

Way back in the olden times I went to see two movies.  I read about them in the local newspaper and could walk to the theater.  I think I still have the program guide to this somewhere, and I may search for it for an upcoming project.  They screened both The Lost World and King Kong, which was just great.  They had a few of Willis O'Brien's silent movies to show as well.  A live orchestra played during The Lost World.  That was amazing as well.

The prints were in good shape, though this was long before restorations began happening.  They only had a 90 minute version of King Kong, which was unusual, since that movie was restored in the 70s.  I am sure most of the attendees did not notice, though.  It was a fun night, full of dinosaurs and mayhem.

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