Monday, September 4, 2023

Movie Monsters #3


This was one of the first monster mags I ever bought.  I was not a fan of the cover at ten years old (it is still rather gruesome, isn't it?) but it had those eight letters I couldn't ignore on it... GODZILLA.  Batman and the Wolfman are also on there, so that certainly didn't hurt.  I learned about Batman's early filmed appearances, and a lot about The Forbidden Planet.  I loved the movie when it finally aired, and still love it.  I have not looked through this issue in a while.  The Godzilla article was a filmbook of the original movie, but loaded with pictures from the entire franchise.  Oh, and it had a pretty fair article about Jack the Giant Killer, which was fun to read.

Movie Monsters was the monster zine from Atlas, the short-lived comic book company.  This magazine actually got four issues, where most of their comic book run only got three issues.  I think I still have all four issues, but alas, I am not sure.  They are very enjoyable.  I think if Atlas had started out a little smaller, perhaps only three comic book titles instead of so many, they might have lasted a bit longer.

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