Wednesday, March 6, 2024

HOTW- Thor

From Wiki- Deeming him too arrogant, Odin banishes Thor to modern day Earth with no memory of his Asgardian origins, giving him the identity of Dr. Don Blake.[12] As Blake, Thor visits Scandinavia where he stumbles upon a walking stick, which he discovers can turn into Mjolnir and give him the powers of Thor.[9] In a plot to defeat Thor, Loki provokes the Hulk into attacking a train. While Loki is successful in luring Thor out, he is accompanied by Iron Man, Ant-Man, and Wasp. After defeating Loki, the heroes come together as a superhero team, forming the Avengers.[19] Odin eventually restores Thor as an Asgardian, revealing that Blake was a persona that he had invented for Thor.

This has all changed since those early halcyon days.  I always liked the Donald Blake personality, since it was different than Thor, to a degree.  The 60 second time limit was kinda dumb, though.  I am glad they finally got rid of the flowery Shakespearean language.  I know it seemed like a good idea at the time, but it got old quickly.  Especially when Thor was in Asgard when all the characters talked that way.

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