Sunday, April 21, 2024

Vintage Paleo Art

I love vintage paleo art.  These are the dinosaurs (and other prehistoric animals) I grew up with.    It was a fun time, and many of the drawings and paintings were full of imagination.  Some were so imaginative that they barely resembled the animals they were supposed to be.  Can you imagine a Stegosaurus stenops using its back plates to be able to fly or glide?  That was a popular idea at one point.  It was one that even made it into print, when Tarzan went to visit Pellucider.  It sure is a striking visual, though!  I miss the days when these animals did live up to their "terrible" monikers.  I like a lot of current paleo art as well, don't get me wrong.

We are collecting some of the best and wildest pieces from the days of yore for a future project.  It will contain the names of artists and dates, if available.  Look forward to it!

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