Monday, April 1, 2024

Calvin 3-8-1989


April 1st is a great day for Calvin.  Well, ALL days are great days for this strip.  Hobbes is pretty much playing a prank on his pal, since he knows Calvin that well.  This happens a lot during the run of the strip, since while Calvin is rather smart, he is also rather naive and gullible at times.  Calvin finally does become numb to the wait, but that is still in the future.

Box top premiums were a big deal from at least the 50s until at least the 90s.  I have not seen any recently, but it has been quite a long time since I have looked.  I got four Chester Cheeto glasses in the 90s.  They all faded pretty quickly, and many broke over time.  Plastic and all.  I may have one left now.

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