Saturday, April 13, 2024

Ultraman 80 thoughts

Ultraman 80 was the show that everyone wanted to see- well, all Ultra fans.  Sure, The * Ultraman was pretty good, but it was a cartoon, and the Ultras are generally best in live action.  The last show, Ultraman Leo, was good, but had some issues, such as what I have called "The Random Kid of the Week" story, which was quite common in the last half of the 70s.  Some random kid would have a problem that only the hero could help with... even if there was a kid in the show as a regular already.  This happened in the first third or so of 80, especially while Takeshi was playing teacher.  After he joined the UGM full time, it got better.

The effects are great, though, as are the monster suits.  We also got our first live-action Ultra- Woman, Yurian.  The only slight issue I had overall (aside from the RKOTW stuff) was the scant connection to the rest of the Ultras.  A few more episodes would have been nice to see.  This wasn't fixed until Ultraman Mebuis nearly 20 years later.  I am watching the DVD set now and enjoying more this time than the last.  Perhaps I should give Leo another chance.

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