Thursday, August 18, 2022

does whatever a spider can...


Or does he?  I have been reading the fine book The Science of Superheroes (2002).  This book generally proves that radiation is bad for people.  However, there are arthropods that have been found to be radioactive, so that is not as impossible as say, the Hulk is.  So they go over the ways Spider-man is like and not like a spider.  When they discuss his famous webshooters and how they couldn't work at all in real life.  They eventually say he could have organic webs, and talk about how it would be made and where it would be, er, released from.  This book was written before Sam Raimi's Spider-Man, but published right around the same time the movie was released.

Raimi took a lot of heat for changing how Peter got to use his webs.  Chances are this is what people unfamiliar with the Law of Large Numbers would call a coincidence.  It is interesting to see it in a book around the same time, though I am also sure that more than one person has wondered about this sort of power.  It is also one of the best scenes in No Way Home where Peter and Peter marvel at Peter's organic webs.

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