Sunday, August 28, 2022

Sven- Killer Shrews (1959)

Once again, a well meaning scientist screws up.  He is trying to figure out a way to shrink humans to half size to help out with over population.  Thanks to some drunken shenanigans, a mutant batch of shrews escapes and begins breeding on the island our heroes are on.  They can't leave, since a hurricane is coming, of course.  Anything to keep them trapped on the island with deadly giant shrews.  They are also venomous, because they adapted to the poison set out to kill them.  The heroes escape, but just left the shrews living on the island, where they apparently ate everything on the island.

There is even a sequel to this movie, it was made in 2012, with hero James Best returning in his role Thorne Sherman.  Most of his other stars did not return, but he reunited with two of his Dukes of Hazzard co-stars, n Schneider and Rick Hurst, Bo Duke and Cletus Hogg, who took over when they tried to spin Enos off into his own show.  I still like Gila Monster better, but this one is pretty fun.

Next: Frogs (ugh)

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