Saturday, August 20, 2022

She-Hulk 01- A Normal Amount of Rage


Jen Walters, Attorney At Law, is out driving somewhere with her cousin Bruce.  They run into a spaceship and their car gets thrown off a cliff.  They are both injured, and Jen gets an accidental transfusion from Bruce.  Since this cousin is Robert Bruce Banner, AKA the Hulk, this causes Jen to turn green on occasion herself.  However, she is able to control her changes, unlike Bruce.  He was trying to teach her now not to be a giant rage monster, but turns out, she's good.  She also says she will not be a superhero.  Good luck with that in the Marvel Universe.  Bruce doesn't like this idea, but supports her.  He does warn her what could happen, though.  This was all a recap that she told to the viewers.  Then she goes to her case and suddenly Titania bursts in.  Jen turns into Shulkie (thanks, Ben) and defeats her with one punch.

This first episode was great.  I was happy to see Jen talk to us almost immediately.  I have known Jen Walters since her debut way back in 1980.  I even had a subscription the magazine, and Marvel still owes me two issues!  I have the letter somewhere, still.  I really enjoyed John Byrne's run on the She-Hulk, since he had a lot of fun with it.  This looks like it will be in a similar vein. 

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