Wednesday, April 17, 2024

HOTW- Rocket J. Squirrel

 Rocket J. Squirrel was considered the star of the series.  He could fly, rather than glide (like real flying squirrels).  When Rocky and Bullwinkle debuted in 1959, it was under Rocky and his friends.  This series has had several different titles over its long and storied career, and they are all for the same five seasons.  I have been rereading the Moose that Roared (can't believe I have had it for five years and that the book is 25 years old) and started watching the cartoons from the DVD set.  I have had it for a few years, but haven't been watching the discs for a while.  I am now in Season Two, and greatly enjoying the stories.  The episodes look and sound great.  When the cartoon was remastered for VHS the audio was redone completely, using the original tracks.  The R&B episodes are presented in the order they were made, but all the other segments, such as Dudley, Peabody, etc are scattered into them.

I would probably double-dip on a Blu-Ray set, if they presented the series the way it was originally aired, with all the original titles.  And perhaps as many extras as they can compile, which could be a lot of appearances and perhaps news broadcasts for the creators and actors.  That would be wonderful, but I am not going to hold my breath.  I have seen the DVD sets getting cheaper, which is usually a precursor to a Blu Ray release.  Here's hoping!

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