Tuesday, February 2, 2021

a Wild Wild Book


I got this a couple years ago, I think.  I then had to purchase the entire series on DVD so I could watch while I read the book.  It's been worth it, as this book just adds to the excellence that is the series.  I had the first season on DVD several years ago, when it first came out, but since the whole run is available for about half the price, I jumped on that deal.  I got both book and DVD set on Amazon.

This is the revised and updated version of the book, published in 2018.  It is in color and has plenty of great pictures drawings.  The first version was published in 1988, so there was probably a lot more information available in the thirty years that had passed.  Fortunately, the author was able to talk to many people that have since passed away before the first book was published, but she also didn't have access to the great looking prints that are available now.

As someone who has published an update of a book, I really appreciate the hard work that goes into making the dang things.  It's worth the money!

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