Wednesday, February 10, 2021

bloody MOTW- the Naschy Werewolf


Pity poor Waldemar Daninsky.  He was bitten by a werewolf in 1968, and then killed in 11 (possibly) 12 more movies.  As we all know, there is only one way to kill a werewolf.  He traveled all over Europe, and even to Japan.  His origins changed from movie to movie, though, but he was the constant.  He was a tortured soul, only wanting to not kill anyone.  In many of his movies, he became the de facto hero opposing, even if accidentally, a worse menace.

I saw Frankenstein's Bloody Terror (1986, US release 1971) one early Saturday morning.  We had no idea we were about to see a werewolf movie until the opening narration informed us that the "Frankenstein" curse was now known as the "Wolfstein" curse.  Even that didn't prepare us for there to be a battle of two werewolves later in the movie.  You see, along with two wolfmen, there are also two vampires in the movie! 

It's highly enjoyable, the while the sequels never quite reach this level of entertainment, they also are all pretty fun.

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