Saturday, February 20, 2021

WandaVision 7- Breaking the Fourth Wall


IN which we join the lame "reality TV" of having characters talk to an interviewer while the episode is going on.  This of course is done really well, as both the Vision and Wanda start to figure things out.  Monica has now gained her Photon powers, even if she is unaware of it.  Dr Darcy is wonderful, and she and Agent Woo could have their own series.  She fills the Vision in on what happened to him with Thanos, and we get to hear flashbacks from some of the movies.  Then we get a new reveal of who Agnes actually is...

I'm not sure how I feel about it, but she sure got a great theme song.  Since Agatha is here now, that also means the FF could show up, and one would think a certain Master of the Mystic Arts might be interested in a witch that powerful on the prowl.  I gotta hand it to them, I did not think Agatha Harkness would appear in this show.  Of course, I am also used to ancient Agatha, not a much younger version.  

And one side note, Captain Jack Harkness got his last name from Agatha.  Perhaps the Doctor could even show up!

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