Wednesday, February 24, 2021

MOTW- Martian crabs


When the puppet boy Pinocchio visited Mars with Twertle, they discovered a devastated civilization.  While the Martians were absent, their creations were still there.  The first creatures that showed up were these giant Martian crabs.  They have absconded with Twertle's spaceship, thinking perhaps it is food.  After they get away from these crustaceans, they find a deserted city, which also has many other styles of monsters.

This is such a fun movie.  The songs are scant, and not unpleasant.  It's also a relatively short movie.  I saw it in the theater growing up, and then it was a staple for several years after that.  Then it disappeared, as many older movies and shows did.  The DVD is great, though.

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