Friday, November 18, 2022

Let's Go Kamen Riders (2011)


This movie was released way back when, and I thought I had watched it.  I know I started to, but I don't remember if I ever finished it.  It involves Kamen Rider 000 and Den-O, along with a lot of time travel nonsense.  000 has coins that power him, or something, and loses one in 1971.  The loss of this coin gives Shocker a chance to come to power.  So the two Riders go back in time, and try to save the future.  I am about half way through the movie, and it is pretty entertaining.

What really strikes me while watching it is the fight scenes.  When the Double Riders first show up- well, their second scene, since in the altered timeline they are still minions of Shocker- the scene is so well shot, and the song starts to play.  That will bring chills to your spine.  With so many superhero movies and shows on now, one can get jaded to action scenes.  This movie uses CG to enhance them, and not overpower the scenes.  It is stuntmen doing martial arts in suits and it looks amazing.

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