Saturday, November 12, 2022

Megalon and the dam


This is a great shot from a great sequence in a, let us be honest, not that great a movie.  I love Godzilla vs. Megalon, but one must not turn a blind eye to the movie.  It suffers from a low budget and a rushed filming schedule.  It is amazing the film is as fun as it is, really.  This is probably the best new scene in the movie, as Megalon destroys a damn.  It is well edited and well lit and filmed perfectly.  The miniatures all look great and the actor inside the Megalon suit (Hideto Date) handles the whole sequence perfectly in that big, bulky suit.

Next year will be Megalon's 50th anniversary.  I am relatively sure there will be a special issue dedicated to the movie.  That will be fun, and I get to watch the movie yet again!


Danny Coffin said...

Tsuburaya-san himself would've been proud of the dam sequence .And after seeing the recent 50th Anniversary short for '' GODZILLA VS GIGAN '' ( Shinichi Wakasa and crew outdid themselves recfreating Showa-era Gigan ) I can't wait to see what they have in store for Megalon's 50th !

X7 said...

I saw that the other day it is was pretty impressive. There is going to be an issue of Xenorama next year for the 50th anniversary as well!