Monday, November 14, 2022

RIP Kevin Conroy


Kevin Conroy passed away from a battle with cancer on November 10th, 2022.  A lot has already been written about him, what a kind and wonderful man he was, and I can't add much more to that.  There have been other animated Batman voices, but aside from Olan Soule, none of them were as good as Kevin.  That includes Adam West, since his voice as an animated Batman was just odd.  Kevin also got to don the Batman suit in real life in the Arrowverse shows, which is also quite nice.

While he was not the sole reason for the success of the 90s Batman cartoon, he sure was a big part of it.  Having the right voice actor for the role.  He was perfect as both Batman and Bruce Wayne.    The success of that series led to several sequels and spinoffs, including my favorite, the Justice League.  RIP Kevin, you will be missed.

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