Monday, December 11, 2023

Curse of the Aztec Mummy

Dr. Krupp, alias The Bat, is back at it.  He wants the Aztec treasure, which is guarded by Popoca, the Aztec mummy.  Much like Kharis, he was cursed to do so.  In the previous movie, Krupp had been foiled by a Dr. Almada.  His girlfriend/fiancee Flor was a new incarnation of Xochitl, the Aztec princess that loved Popoca.  See where this is going?  Krupp is in prison, but his thugs bust him out, see?  The formerly unknown Angel shows up to help out, but nothing the humans do compares to the vengeance of Popoca, who eventually tosses Krupp into a pit of vipers.

The Angel is about the most useless superhero ever.  His cape gets in the way and he gets beaten up a lot.  His reveal shouldn't have been any surprise.  To be fair, Krupp's thugs are super violent.

OK, with that out of the way, the Blu-Ray restoration is gorgeous.  These movies look like they were filmed yesterday.  It helps make them more watchable.  The English dub is OK, but it was done in Florida, probably by Copri, so it lacks the sparkle of the Titra dubs.  These movies are barely over an hour long.  Good ol' K. Gordon Murray brought them up here to warp kids minds in the 60s.

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