Wednesday, June 16, 2021

MOTW - Marine Monster of the Deep


Thaddeus E (the E stands for Evil) Brackish has a murder of monsters he plans to use to conquer the seven seas.  In addition to being able to breath under water, they can fly and have a fiery breath.  How that works underwater is a mystery to me.  It's a good thing Marine Boy and the Ocean Patrol were around to stop Mr. Brackish.   You just can't go wrong with mermaids, monsters and exploding boomerangs!

This might be my favorite Marine Boy episode.  I've told the story before, but the reason is because WDCA Channel 20 aired the episode two days in a row.  At the time, it was 6:30 AM) I was a bit annoyed, since I wanted to see as many episodes as I could.  Especially since VCRs in 197- were not something anyone was thinking about.  Now I am glad that I got to see it twice, since it was set in my mind more securely.  Now of course, you can see the entire series and made to order DVDs.

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