Wednesday, June 2, 2021

MOTW- The Ugly Bird


The legend of huge birds existing in the North American continent have been around for centuries.  In fact, there are people who think monstrous avian creatures actually exist.  This Ugly Bird is from the oddball 1974 movie The Legend of Hillbilly John This is based on a couple Manly Wade Wellman stories, one of which is Who Fears the Devil?  I can't say it's a very good movie, but it's a very interesting movie.  It's very much a product of it's times, though. 

The Ugly Bird chases the nominal hero for a while through the movie, but only has one scene that you get a true view of it.  Had The Giant Claw looked like this bird, the movie would be considered a minor classic in the right way.  The Ugly Bird lives up to it's name.  It's never really explained why it exists, and it's never called  a "thunder bird" but that's pretty much what it is.  I'm going to watch the full movie again (I hope) to see if it's any better the second time around.

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