Saturday, June 26, 2021

Loki 3- Lamentis I


I keep thinking the name of the planet is Validus, but that might be a little too meta for the casual viewer.  You know, the ones that think the live action versions of characters are the only ones extant.  ANYWAY... 

Loki and Sylvie end up on a planet that is about to be destroyed by a runaway moon.  It's not Gorath, or Bellus, or even Planet R.  The TARDIS time/space zapper is out of power, and the Lokis have to get it repowered.  Failing that, they have to get off the planet.  In between all this are some adequate fight scenes and a lot of backstory from both characters.  They have a good chemistry with each other, that's for sure.  We are still no closer to finding out exactly what Sylvie's mission is, though.

I enjoyed this episode.  I like that they take their time with the story.  They sure are using the word "enchant" a lot, though.  That sure makes me think of someone else.    I'm glad I can avoid spoilers pretty well these days, though.

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