Wednesday, June 23, 2021

MOTW- Brontosaurus, the good dinosaur


This friendly and still ultimately doomed sauropod was probably the first "good" dinosaur in the movies.  It was unfrozen and befriended the mostly decent kid Julio in the movie Dinosaurus! (1960).  It's also a pretty smart thunder lizard, since it recognizes commands pretty quickly.  The poor thing puts up a brave fight against the Tyrannosaurus rex, but it's a losing effort.  The rex doesn't kill the beast, but it then walks into a huge pool of quicksand and quickly sinks out of sight.  Those early dinosaur movies were not friendly to their gigantic stars, were they?

This is still an enjoyable movie, and when you see the Blu Ray of it, the colors are amazing. Julio gets to live the dream of actually riding a dinosaur.  The animation is pretty well done.  It was Projects Unlimited that did the work.

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