Wednesday, August 18, 2021

MOTW- The leapin' Lizard!


While Dr. Curt Connors is a wonderful man who loves his family and is one of Spider-man's best friends, he did turn himself into a monster bent on taking over the planet.  At least at first.  The Lizard would later on become sort of an anti-hero, who would accidentally help Spider-man on occasion.  Sort of a lesser of two evils, if you will.  I always enjoyed these stories.  I also liked Spidey being friends with the Connors.  I don't know if Curt ever sussed Spider-man's secret ID, but I think he did and just never let on.  He was a cool guy like that.

This version appeared in the 1960s cartoon, and was called the Lizard-man on occasion.  He was in two episodes, but the second was a remake of the first.  That Spider-man cartoon is one weird show.  I think perhaps Spidey needs an issue of Xenorama all to himself in the near future.

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