Friday, August 27, 2021

What If... the World Lost Its Mightiest Heroes?


It's SO nice to see Agent Coulson again.  He is just the best.  I really need to catch up on the last two seasons of Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. at some point, just to see what happened to him.  Having said that, I was a bit worried about this episode, thinking it was going to be a bit dark.  It sure was.  However, the whole premise of this episode is flawed.  It had nothing to do with the Avengers, but rather an event which has nothing to do with them.  Also, had they told us what the divergence was, the mystery would be no mystery.  It was hopeless to try. (spoilers, see what I did there?)

Having said all that, despite all the killing that happened to almost all the Avengers, it was a good episode.  I was left with several questions after Ant-man Yellowjacket was defeated.  Hank and Hope were estranged, so why is he so mental? What happened to him?  Then Loki takes over the Earth, but leaves Thor's body on Earth?  Doesn't Odin have anything to say about this?  Also, Loki ain't moving Mjolnir, so who took it back to Asgard?  We DO know who else can lift it, but with Tony dead, there is no Ultron Initiative, so there won't be a Vision.  Also, and thankfully, Phil Coulson will never know how magical a place Tahiti is.  Why didn't the Ancient One, who is supposed to be aware of extra dimensional threats show up?

And we also know that Janet van Dyne, the Wasp, is still alive in whatever dimension she is in.  I have picks for who the Avengers will be on this Earth: The two Captains, America and Marvel.  Sif will be sent to Earth by Odin, and she will be worthy.  Pepper Potts, with the aid of Jarvis will have her own iron woman suit.  The Red Guardian will show up as well, since this is a whole Earth problem.  T'Challa will join as well, and perhaps Dr. Betsy Ross will become the She-Hulk, or maybe it will be Jenn Walters, to add some more muscle.  HYDRA may even help by sending the Winter Soldier out to give covert aid or guerilla warfare.  Let's not forget the twins, Wanda and Pietro are alive.

So that's how I would do it.  This leaves out Yondu having kidnapped Peter Quill and any of the Infinity Stones, among so many other things.

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