Monday, August 16, 2021

What If... Captain Carter were the first Avenger?

The first episode of What If...? has Peggy Carter taking Steve Rogers' place after he is injured.  This happens right before he gets into the chamber for the injection/potion/vita rays.  She then takes on the mantel of Captain Carter and heads out to do a lot of the same things Captain America did in his first movie.  Of course, she sacrifices herself to stop Hydra (and hey, they mention ratzis in this show) and then shows up again some 70 years later.  How did Nick and Hawk know where she would show up?

It's a pretty fun little story, with nothing surprising happening, aside from Proto Iron Man showing up, thanks to Howard Stark.  This kind of makes for a Stars and Stripes team from Marvel, though.  Peggy has super strength, it appears, as she leaps into the air and is able to turn tanks over.  Dang it Peggy, Steve didn't do that in the movie, I'll tell you what!

Many of the original voices showed up here, which is a nice touch.  I do wish Captain Carter had a mask of some kind, at least to protect her face.  It was a good start for this series.  I hope they can keep the tone balanced like this for the entire run.

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