Wednesday, January 12, 2022

MOTW- Jirass/Kira


This is one of the most iconic Ultra Monsters from the first Ultraman series.  The reason is pretty obvious, since it is a modified Godzilla suit.  Some fans take it to be a de facto Ultraman vs Godzilla fight, but that just isn't so.  Some Godzilla fans get upset that Ultraman won the battle, thereby besting their hero.  It seems like this sort of jibber jabber has died down in recent years, or I have just quit paying attention.  Either thing is good.  Jirass was created by a crazy scientist, and does have an electric ray blast.  Ultraman is forced to kill the rampaging beast before it can really run amok at Kitayama Lake.I remember reading about this episode.  I wondered how Godzilla would look with a "Styracosaurus" style frill.  When I finally saw the episode, it was not exactly what I expected.   It works pretty well, but there is no disguising the suit.  The episode itself is a good one, with some pretty great action.  We also get to see Hayata use the Beta Capsule and the spiral beams that change his place with Ultraman.

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