Tuesday, January 11, 2022

Super Spider-man!


These first Spidey stories are super.  Between Stan and Steve they got everything right.  Stan and his soapy style stories combined with the amazingly unique Ditko artwork were perfect for the book.  Add to that they had no history to adapt or retcon, which makes for really good, if somewhat simple, plots.  Of course, none of this is new, and this period of Spider-man has been written about extensively.  I still think it's quite funny that Stan applied the soap opera formula to his heroes- add some pathos and perhaps bathos and voila, a new genre of heroes is formed.It is funny, that even with all the crossovers present in the Marvel universe, and with all the heroes in NYC, they rarely come to each other's aid in these first stories.  Doc Ock is running amok across the country and finally in NYC, but only Peter Parker tries to stop him.  Granted, they were not nearly as common as they would become, but come on.  The FF were probably around for some of the time.

This is a standard conceit of comic books dating back to their beginning.  One should not think about it too much.

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