Saturday, January 15, 2022

thoughts on Superboy Season 2


Season two has brought some changes to the show- mainly replacing the first Clark/Superboy with the new Gerard Christopher, who is doing his best to channel Christoper Reeve as Clark, at least.  That is a little too much, especially now.  I liked John Newton's more confident Clark, but I see why they chose this direction.  Much worse is the loss of TJ White, as he left college to be a photographer for his father's paper, the Daily Bugle.  He is replaced by the really annoying and rather creepy Andy McCallister.  Bleah.  The new Lex Luthor seems to be a Joker clone now, since he acts a bit crazy.  That's not much fun, either.Still, the stories are better, and we actually get super villains like Metallo, the Yellow Peri and properly humorous Bizarro.  Him am funny!  It helps that Cary Bates is the story supervisor this season.  At leas they have someone who knows comic books and how to plot them.  I'm looking forward to the rest of the season, Andy notwithstanding.

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