Sunday, January 2, 2022

Spectreman, revisited


I have talked about this show on occasion, but not often.  I never saw the show growing up, and the copies I saw later were grainy and had been dubbed by at least a generation of two.  Add to that, only 24 episodes had been released on VHS, so seeing the complete series, even in the 90s, was a pipe dream.  I knew of one fan who had the entire run on tape, but he wouldn't trade them since it would spread through the Japanese fan community like wildfire.    Fortunately the entire series is on YouTube, to varying quality, but it is there, and we can Spectreman battle Dr. Gori and Karas for 63 episodes.  This makes the show more fun to watch.  I have experienced that with The Space Giants as well.

I had forgotten that I posted the Stage Show I did with Damon Foster (I was one of the and friends mentioned at the start of the video).  It's still on YouTube, and for a first time stuntman, I thought I did pretty well, overall.  It's the selling for the hero that makes the shows look good, I'll tell you what.  And it is HARD WORK to get everything together for a two to three minute segment.  So kudos to the the cast and crew of all action movies and shows. 

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