Wednesday, March 22, 2023

HOTW- Doc Savage


Clark Savage, Jr. was raised by his father to be superhuman.  He would work to eradicate crime and other human miseries all over the world.  His plan was to eradicate evil, but of course, that can never happen.  He had help from the Fabulous Five, who were all top in their respective fields.  Doc could do just about anything physical, as he was trained to be nearly a super man from birth.  It is a good thing, as Doc and his aides have to stop a lot of madmen and madwomen from trying to take over the planet.  Or at least, some portions of it.  He has a unending supply of gold supplied to him from an undiscovered country called Hildago, in Central America.  He also should have been rich from the multitude of patents from his inventions.

Doc was the main influence one Superman and to a great degree Batman.  Without Doc, those two seminal SUPERheroes would look very different.  Doc had 181 adventures published from 1933 until 1949.  He has also starred in comic books, on the radio and had one mixed review movie made about him.  I am amazed he never got a serial made in the 30s or 40s- can you imagine what Republic would have done with him?

There are many reports about Doc being revived, but perhaps at this stage, he is best left to his age.

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