Monday, March 20, 2023

Salty Batman


This is from an issue of The Brave and the Bold, and danged now if I remember which story it was.  I actually had a copy of the comic book, I think I purchased it in North Carolina of all places.  It was at a thrift store in Asheville.  Dang, that was a while ago.  I remember this very panel.  That line Batman is saying is kinda famous.  The book was #74, and the guest stars were the magnificent Metal Men.  That explains why I purchased the comic.  I love me some Metal Men.

I remember thinking "this is sorta funny, but rather weak.  The wonderful Bob Haney wrote this story, along with art by Ross Andru and Mike Esposito.  They were the original Metal Men artists, so that is cool.  Haney wrote great stories, but some of his "hip" lingo attempts were just about what one would expect.

I always expected Batman would be above such salty remarks, though.  I mean, he was on TV as well at that time!

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