Thursday, March 2, 2023

Moon Girl 01- Landing


Incredibly smart 13 year old Lunella Lafayette opens a time portal in her super secret subway lab and brings Devil Dinosaur into the present time.  She is supposed to be the smartest person in the world, but doesn't know what a tape recorder is.  Anyway, she and Devil Dinosaur decide to be superheroes, and with the "help" of new pal Casey, they eventually succeed.  Casey is the PR specialist, you see, and makes Moon Girl and Devil heroes on social media.  The problem now is Aftershock, another electrical based hero who needs power to stay awake.  She has chosen the Lower East Side (because everything is in NYC) as her feeding ground.  Much like Livewire in the DCAU, water is her nemesis.  Moon Girl has to ground her, which takes away Aftershock's powers.  All is well, though how does MG's family not recognize her?

This first episode was pretty funny.  The art is like the current cartoons, which is meh, overall.  I wish Devil looked a little more like his Kirby take, but this is good enough.  The characters are likable and the script was funny, delivered well by the voice actors.  The "season" is six episodes long.  I am hoping she gets at least one guest star and it isn't always about being a 13 year old.

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