Saturday, October 14, 2023

RIP Mr. Owari


I don't talk a lot about my personal life on this blog.  There are some posts here and there, but mostly it is about the nerd stuff I love.  Not this one.

Pro wrestlers have a fear of late night calls.  When one of them passes away, it always seems to be in the middle of the night.  Last night I got the call from Christopher Elam's sister.  Chris had a medical event happened while he was driving home and he passed away from the accident.  He was only 51 years old.

He was one of the longest contributors to Xenorama,  I loved his writing- it was creative, funny and intelligent.  We spent a lot of time on the phone in those early days, talking about pro wrestling, sentai, comic books and more.  We had grown apart in the last decade, for a wide variety of reasons.  I hope he is at peace.  I will miss him.

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