Monday, October 23, 2023

Robot Monster Blu Ray

Just got this Saturday.  I love this movie.  I never saw it on the television growing up.  Apparently, even Channel 2 didn't ever show it, though they showed stuff like Zontar, The Thing from Venus.  This movie sure is more entertaining than that one.  There is an excellent book called Robot Monster Diaries, and it goes into the details of how it got made into a 3D movie.  I highly recommend it, by the way.  The author goes into length on how it will probably never get released as a 3D print again, due to some rights issues.  The Image disc was just fine for what it was, and I may keep it just because it is probably rare now.  At least,as rare as such things can be in this day and age.  It looks like that disc was released in 2000!

However, looking over the DVD, I see all it has as an extra is the trailer.  This disc has over two hours of extras, which is twice as long as the movie is!  I will not be able to watch the 3D version for now, as I do not have a 3D Bu Ray player.  That makes no never mind to me, as I've often thought 3D was not worth the bother.  I haven't watched the movie in some time, so this will be fun!

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