Thursday, October 12, 2023

When French Dinosaurs dominated!

 I sure wish this movie was a better viewing experience.  The animation is wonderful, but it cannot carry a meandering script.  Be that as it may, there are some great posters for this movie out there.  The US one is amazing, and this French one is pretty cool. The color scheme for this one is almost the exact opposite, which is nice.  It makes the movie look raw and slightly more savage.  Of course, the movie is none of those things, but that is for the audience to find out once they have paid their money.  And by then, of course, it will be too late!
Of course, nothing like this happens in the movie at all.  I mean, there isn't even a theropod in the movie at all.  Stupid prejudiced producer!  The movie doesn't even feature a dinosaur vs. dinosaur battle.  There is another problem- what made the producers to decide not to do that?  I give them a little credit for not completely remaking One Million Years, BC, but dang. 

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