Sunday, October 15, 2023

Loki 2.02- Breaking Brad


IN WHICH Loki and Mobius go searching for Silvie.  They go to 70s Earth in London on the Sacred Timeline and find X-05 posing as Brad Wolfe.  Brad is at the debut of his movie, Zaniac.  Loki gets to use some nice magic to eventually capture Brad, then they return to the TVA.  Brad has a strange tempad, and OB gives them the book to figure it out on their own.  He has to try to fix the Temporal Loom, don'tcha know.  He should really just reverse the polarity.  That generally does the trick.  Our heroes (and Brad) find Sylvie working at McDonald's, then things begin to go to hell.  Dox is bombing all the branches in order to prune them.  Our heroes stop some of them, Sylvie goes back to whatever branch she is on and nothing changed too much.  Or has it?

This was another good episode.  Loki and Mobius have great chemistry together.  I probably say that every week.  There were not too many big effects scenes, which was really nice, actually.  Marvel is rightfully criticized for hitting us over the head with CG in many movies, and the scenes go on and on occasionally.  This was fun.

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