Saturday, October 28, 2023

The hit FF series

This is interesting.  I did not realize 26 episodes made for a hit show.  I never once saw these in the grocery store, though to be fair I was always at the comic book rack, looking for a new issue.  Or deciding what book to buy with my limited funds.  Had I gotten some of these, I would bet the cards I got were of HERBIE, and that would have annoyed me greatly.  There are cards with the Human Torch in there as well. Upon further review, it appears as if this is actually the 90s cartoon.  Ima leave some of the original post here, to prove I am only human.

The darker costumes should have been my first clue.  I am watching that series as well, it's decent.  This first season has a lot of humor in it, which is sometimes too much.  It is closer to the comic book FF, but has even more baggage at this point.  And they gave Namor a ponytail.

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