Monday, November 20, 2023

Calvin and Hobbes 12-07-1990

One of the recurring themes or "running gags" as we used to call them in Calvin and Hobbes was that his father was always making Calvin do things he didn't want to do.  Raking the lawn, go camping, shovel snow.  You know, being part of the family.  For some reason I identified with Calvin about this nonsense a lot.  I might have been a darn sarcastic kid back then as well.  I highly doubt it, though, and no one has any proof.

I love this one so much.  Mostly for Calvin's mom's reaction to what he just said.  She fell out of the chair.  One has also has to appreciate Calvin's timing as well.  He waited until his parents were together before doing his bit.  He even combed his hair!  I don't think I was ever told anything "built character" when I was growing up, just that doing things you didn't want to do were "good for you."  It is the same principle, overall.

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