Wednesday, November 22, 2023

HOTW- Blue Bolt

From Wiki- After college football star Fred Parrish is struck by lightning during practice he boards a plane in order to seek help. This plane is struck by a second lightning bolt, causing the plane to crash. Finding himself underground, Parrish is found by a scientist named Bertoff who heals him using an experimental radium treatment. This treatment gives Parrish super powers. Using his powers and a lightning gun given to him by Bertoff, Parrish takes up the name the Blue Bolt and battles the underground forces of his arch-enemy, the evil Green Sorceress.[5] He also fights Nazis and goes to space a lot.  By 1951, Blue Bolt Comics' name had been changed to Blue Bolt Weird Tales of Terror and featured the type of horror covers epitomized by EC Comics.[4] A couple of issues after the name change, the Blue Bolt was dropped in favor of horror stories. With issue #120 (published in 1953) the title was changed to Ghostly Weird Stories, which published four more issues under that title before folding after issue #124 (September 1954).

I never read this growing up, but I sure would have liked to.  I mean, look at that cover!   Space heroes fighting a poor dinosaur. This was created by Joe Simon, with loads of help from his regular partner, Jack Kirby.  The character and comic books appear to be in the public domain, so anyone can use them these days.

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