Wednesday, January 20, 2021

random theropod Monster of the Week


This is a random theropod that shows up in the Josie and the Pussycats episode "Plateau of the Apes Plot".  Dr. Madreau invented a ray that would return any living being to it's ancestral form.  This was a small lizard to start with.  You would think the good doctor would know lizards are actually a separate line of reptiles than dinosaurs.  Of course, Alex turned into a chicken at first, and then an ape, so perhaps the machine still needed some fine tuning.  The gang managed to stop this would be dictator in the end, so everything worked out in the end.

This is one giant theropod.  That's a meat eating dinosaur.  It's got three fingers, so it's not a rex, but he's also got some tres muscular arms.  It's never stated, but I hope it was changed back to it's lizard form at the end of the adventure.  Or perhaps the ray just wore off in a little while.  It's a great looking dinosauroid, though.  This is obviously my favorite episode of this series.

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