Tuesday, January 12, 2021

The Zero Stone

I began reading at a young age, and read many books.  Most of the standard kid stuff was fun (Pippi Longstocking, the Hardy Boys, Nancy Drew) but once I discovered science fiction literature I was hooked on that.  I read so many different series that I barely remember most of them, and wish I had kept track of the names of books, as some have now receded so far from my memory that I can only recall parts of them.  There is one about an undersea walking giant that I would love to find again, but those chances seem further and further away.Naturally I read many books by the prolific Andre Norton.  So many that I don't remember all their names.  She wrote both science fiction and fantasy, and my school library, as well as the local city library, stocked many of her novels.  I didn't get into all of them, like The Witch World series, though I sure tried.

This book contains both her stories about the Star Stones.  I have read the first one, The Zero Stone, but the second one is new to me.  Yes, it has taken over 40 years for me to get to it. It's probably been thirty years since I read the first one.  I'm looking forward to reading both again.

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