Sunday, December 4, 2022

Happy 7th Birthday, Emerald Sage!


Emerald Sage turns seven years old today.  She's been with us for almost five years now.  She is the senior cat now, and sort of tries to rule the roost.  Her ruling of the roost tends to be sleeping in her various spots and bossing us around in the evening before bed time.  She is a creature of habit overall.  She doesn't like being held too much.  Her toleration of being picked up is about 36 seconds, then she becomes a wiggle butt and wants to be set down.  She is very sweet, but a little shy around new people, or even sometimes people she knows well.  I'm so happy to have her in my life.  She has the loudest purr of any cat I have ever had in my life.

She has even lost a little weight, since she and Kaida are mostly friendly with each other.  They play the getaway chase game a lot.  This is one cat chasing another at any given time.  It is fun to watch.  They wrestle on occasion, but not that often any more.  She doesn't make as many spectacular jumps as she did when I got her, but she still can.

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